Kids Learning Zone


Apart from the large heavy weapons like onagers, balistas, catapults etc. that were used as artillery each soldier had his own personal issue weapons to fight with, they were very effective and lethal in the trained hands of a Roman soldier.
Typically for a Legionary he had a short sword 'Gladius' which was used as a close combat stabbing sword. Most enemies had a long slashing sword & for every one swing of their sword a Roman could do six stabs in rapid succession. The pommel or handle could also be used to punch.
There was also a dagger 'Pugio' used as a last resort weapon in battle or for finishing of the enemy injured after battle. Other common uses were for various field craft activities like skinning a game animal caught near camp, poking the fire, barbecuing meat etc.

The javelin 'Pilum' was a throwing weapon designed to cut down the enemy from a safe distance. It was made to pierce through armour or a shield then break or bend on impact so it could not be picked up by the enemy and thrown back. Although the shield 'Scutum' was primarily for protection it also doubled as a weapon. The large central metal boss was a great nose breaker, also the top edge was good for breaking jaws with a sudden upward thrust, as was the bottom edge great for breaking shins with a sudden downward thrust.